Networking Walk-ins; Lunch w/ Professionals  – Feb. 20

“Internships: Ambition. Action. Achievement.”

Networking Walk-ins 
11 a.m. – 12:50 p.m.
Studio B

If you’re interested in an internship or want some networking practice, this event is for you. Drop in to meet internship recruiters or get your resume critiqued. The first 15 students to register (and attend) will be entered into a gift card raffle.

Lunch with the Pros 
1 – 1:50 p.m. 
Studio B 

Have lunch with Communications professionals to get career advice, talk about internship opportunities, and to learn more about intern expectations.  Also, talk to some former interns about their experiences.  The first 15 students to register (and attend) will be entered into a gift card raffle.  Registration limited.

Professional Practices for a Successful Internship – Internship Prep I
2 – 3 p.m.
McEwen 011 

Discussions will be focused on how to nurture a culture of professionalism and excellence.  We’ll talk about how to gain your supervisor’s confidence and meet expectations, and how to make the most of this internship experience.

How to Put Together A Winning Portfolio- Internship Prep II
3 – 3:50 p.m. 
McEwen 011

This seminar will focus on how to showcase your best work in your e-portfolio.  We’ll also share tips on how to use your internship work to enhance your portfolios. 

Internship prep seminars will be repeated at various times on Friday, March 13, and Friday, April 17 (3-5 p.m.). Students must register from the Internship webpage,

* First-time academic interns must attend each of the two seminars to participate in summer and fall internships. Students who will be studying abroad in the fall should also attend, if you are planning winter or spring, 2016 internships.