Sony, The Interview and Kim Jong Un: What you need to know about the Sony Hack – Jan. 21

Students and all members of the Elon Law community are encouraged to attend the latest in the school's Hot Topics series, featuring Profs. Armijo, Levine and Rich on the criminal, cybersecurity, information, intellectual property, international and media law and policy issues surrounding one of the most high-profile and significant information thefts in computing history.

Details: Wednesday, January 21 from 12:30-1:30 pm in room 105.

Background: In case you’ve missed this story, here’s a short recap from Risk Based Security: “On November 25, [2014], a new chapter was added to the chronicles of data theft activity. A group calling itself GOP or The Guardians Of Peace, hacked their way into Sony Pictures, leaving the Sony network crippled for days, valuable insider information including previously unreleased films posted to the Internet, and vague allegations it all may have been done by North Korea in retribution for the imminent release of an upcoming movie titled ‘The Interview’.” Since then, many questions have been asked, from technical (Who or what was behind the attack and how did they break into Sony’s system?) to legal (Do we have law that can handle such a breach?) to social (Can we be confident that anything found within a computer network can be kept private?) While there are few solid answers and much is yet to be known, this panel will explore these and other questions.

Please join us for a timely and informative discussion!