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Five things to know about Matt Matheny

February 12, 2015

As Matheny leads his team through their first season in the Colonial Athletic Association, he took a few minutes to sit down with The Magazine of Elon to share five things about himself.

Syllabuzz: MTH 371 – The Mathematics of Secrets

February 12, 2015

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Chad Awtrey hopes to show the direct applicability of math and help students taking the course build skills transferrable to a number of careers.

Campus Uncommons:  Jim Barbour

February 12, 2015

Besides molding young minds in the classroom, the economics professor finds joy in creating wooden pieces in his backyard shop.

I Am Elon with Sean Barry '16

February 12, 2015

A self-described “salesman for Elon,” the accounting major enjoys showing off the campus he loves to visitors in his role as an admissions tour guide.