Spoken word performance by poet Phil Kaye – Feb. 12

The Liberal Arts Forum hosts the nationally recognized poet in a Whitley Auditorium event at 7:30 p.m. The program is free and open to the public.

Phil Kaye
Thursday, February 12
Phil Kaye, spoken word
Whitley Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.

Kaye employs spoken word performance and innovative workshops to educate in classrooms and communities. He is a two-time recipient of the National College Poetry Slam award for “Pushing the Art Forward,” given for outstanding innovation in the art of performance poetry.

Phil Kaye is a two-time recipient of the National College Poetry Slam award for “Pushing the Art Forward,” given for outstanding innovation in the art of performance poetry. The former lead coordinator of Space in Prisons for the Arts and Creative Expression (SPACE), he also taught weekly poetry workshops in maximum security prisons.

Kaye first fell in love with Spoken Word Poetry at the age of 17. Now the co-director of Project V.O.I.C.E., he travels around the world, hoping to empower others to find their own voice. A graduate of Brown University, he lives in New York City.

His first collection of poetry, “A Light Bulb Symphony,” was published in 2011.

The poet’s Thursday campus visit is hosted by the Liberal Arts Forum. More information is available at www.project-voice.net.