Associate Professor Prudence Layne worked with Peter F. Lake of Sheffield Hallam University on "Global Innovation of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Transgressing Boundaries."

“Global Innovation of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Transgressing Boundaries” developed as part of Layne’s ongoing research and scholarly interest in the role of course duration and format in teaching and learning.
The book with co-editor Peter F. Lake of Sheffield Hallam University was published by Springer Press.
In addition to coediting the collection of essays, Layne also contributed a chapter entitled “Transforming Higher Education Institutions” in which she examines some of the innovations Elon has made to enhance teaching and learning.
Her findings were derived, in part, from an IRB-approved survey of hundreds of Elon University students. Layne plans to extend her study of course format and duration on teaching and learning in a book focused on short-term study abroad.
The book examines current trends in higher education and the scholarship of teaching and learning. It introduces readers to pedagogical strategies that instructors worldwide are using to overcome some of the challenges they face in higher education
Contributors work in the United States, the United Kingdom, Africa, Asia, Australia, Scandinavia and the Middle East, representing a broad range of disciplines, fields and institutional types.
A faculty member in the Department of English, Layne is on sabbatical this spring from her roles in the classroom and as coordinator of the African and African-American Studies program at the university.