“Dance Decoded” Talks Illuminate Contemporary Dance Performance

Department of Performing Arts faculty and students will offer insight into the process of creating a contemporary dance performance in pre-show talks.

Love dance and searching for new ways to talk about it? Want to understand contemporary dance? Enjoy dance performance but want to learn more about what goes into it? Then come to “Dance Decoded,” the Department of Performing Arts’ new pre-show talk and demonstration series for dance lovers and dance novices alike.

Learn about contemporary dance and the creative process of the choreographers and costume designer behind Ready. Set. Go! The Elon Dance Company Spring Dance Concert in “Dance Decoded”  pre-performance talks, March 13 and 14 at 7pm at McCrary Theatre. The “Dance Decoded” series include demonstrations and discussions of the creative choices, choreographic style, physical gestures, and visual languages that make up a contemporary dance performance. Speakers will include:

Friday March 13 @7pm: Karl Green, costume designer for Ready. Set. Go! will discuss the creative challenges and delights of designing dance costumes.

Saturday March 14 @7pm: Lauren Kearns, Associate Professor of Dance, and Dance majors Sophie McNeill and Kate Phinney will demonstrate and discuss movement phrases from several of the choreographers whose work is showcased in the performance.

Ready. Set. Go! The Elon Dance Company Spring Dance Concert features six pieces of original choreography focusing on the themes of movement and energy, created by Elon Performing Arts faculty and guest choreographer Sumi Clements of Summation Dance.

“Dance Decoded” talks and demonstrations take place at 7pm in the McCrary Theatre lobby in the Center for the Arts. They are free and open to the public, and last ten minutes.

The “Dance Decoded” and Talk on the Steps series of pre-performance talks are facilitated by Susanne Shawyer, dramaturg in the Department of Performing Arts.