A new website for the technology, law and policy radio show and podcast hosted by Elon Law Professor David Levine features a mobile-friendly design, a new logo, expanded social network links and an embedded audio player for each show post.

Levine founded the Hearsay Culture radio show in 2006, airing on KZSU-FM (Stanford University). He launched a website for the program in 2007. Hearsay Culture explores emerging issues in information policy, intellectual property law and technology with particular focus on the Internet. Levine has recorded over 200 interviews as the host of Hearsay Culture. The program was named a top five podcast in the American Bar Association’s Blawg 100 of 2008.
Levine recognized the work of two Elon University colleagues in developing the new website.
“Just as the show is about the guests, the fact of a new site is also about others,” Levine said. “I am proud to say that I can thank two Elon University colleagues, iMedia graduate student Brandon Frye and his professor William J. Moner, for the complete overhaul announced today. It would not have happened without them. I am extremely grateful for their creative, expert and professional work.”
The upcoming guest list for Hearsay Culture includes:
April 22: Prof. Danielle Citron of the University of Maryland Carey School of Law, author of Hate Crimes in Cyberspace.
April 29: Profs. Irina Manta of Hofstra Law and David Olson of Boston College Law, authors of Hello Barbie: First They Will Monitor You, Then They Will Discriminate Against You. Perfectly.
May 6: Prof. Peter Asaro of the School of Media Studies at The New School, on killer robots.
May 13: Prof. Arvind Narayanan of Princeton University on algorithmic computing and Bitcoin.
May 20: Jacob Silverman, author of Terms of Service: Social Media and the Price of Constant Connection.
May 27: Prof. Gabriella Coleman of McGill University, author of Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous.
June 3: Prof. Margot Kaminski of The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, on international trade, surveillance and artificial intelligence.
June 10: Prof. Jason Arnold of Virginia Commonwealth University, author of Secrecy in the Sunshine Era: The Promise and Failures of U.S. Open Government Laws.
More information about Elon Law Professor David Levine is available here.