Office of Sustainability Contributes to Elon Community Church Farmers Market Program

Punch card program rewards regular customers.

After a successful first year, the Elon Community Church Farmers Market is once again promoting purchasing locally grown and locally made products through a punch card program.  All shoppers who get their cards punched 6 times are placed into a prize raffle on June 25.  Prizes include:

  • Tea & Cheese Party at Piemonte Farm
  • ECC Farmers Market gift basket
  • Gift cards to the Farmers Market

Cards  can be picked up at the Market and will only be available until May 21.  Elon’s Office of Sustainability, Piemonte Farm and market vendors all contributed to raffle prizes this year. 

The Elon Community Church Farmers market occurs every Thursday from 3-6:30 p.m. The market takes place on the ECC lawn.