CATL workshop on grading and feedback – Sept. 30

While there is no simple formula to solve all the challenges of grading, this workshop will focus on strategies to make the process more efficient and effective.

Minimal Marking, Maximum Learning: Strategies to Make Grading More Efficient & Effective
Wednesday, September 30th, 12:15-1:25 p.m.
Belk Pavilion 208

In this session, we’ll explore the “minimal marking” approach to grading written assignments (Haswell, 1983) along with more recent studies that examine the kinds of grading and feedback that are both time-efficient for you and optimal for student learning. We’ll discuss ways to provide feedback that students read, understand, and use as well as consider how you might adapt these to your own teaching context. While there is no simple formula to solve all the challenges of grading, we’ll focus on strategies to make the process more efficient and effective.

To sign up, please use the registration form.