Deliberative Dialogue: Immigration in America – Oct. 20

All Elon University students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend a Deliberative Dialogue about immigration on Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 from 4-6 p.m. in McKinnon Hall.

Cover of "Immigration in America" issue guide used in the Deliberative Dialogue.
A Deliberative Dialogue is a structured conversation around a hot-button issue.

The topic of the dialogue is Immigration in America: How Do We Fix a System in Crisis?” Participants will be asked to read an issue guide, consider three options presented in the guide, and share their own perspectives about how best to approach this important national topic.

Deliberative dialogue is an approach to education that emphasizes inquiry, civility, and choice making. Deliberative learners explore complex topics in-depth, consider diverse perspectives on these topics, identify and work through tensions inherent to those views, and attempt to arrive at reasoned judgment.

“Deliberative Dialogues are a valuable process. Participants walk away better informed about a big topic. Immigration is certainly salient and timely. Those who attend the October 20 event will gain insights into legitimate reasons for many reasonable people disagree on this issue.”

A framing document will be distributed prior to the dialogue for participants to review in preparation for the conversation. Please RSVP by clicking here to obtain this reading.

A previous Deliberative Dialogue about intellectual climate was held at Elon in Spring 2014. 

For additional information about this upcoming Deliberative Dialogue, please contact Jason Husser at