Michael Rich featured in Elon President's Report

Elon Law Professor Michael Rich discusses his scholarship on emerging technologies and predictive models for crime in the 2015 Elon University President's Report. 

Rich is the Jennings Professor of Law at Elon. 

The President’s Report feature on Rich is available here, including video commentary on his recent criminal law scholarship and a report about his research.

“How do the neat technologies that we think of as being ways to improve our world in the future, what do those mean for criminal law and do they raise really special concerns that we haven’t thought of. I’m trying to answer that question,” Rich says in the Report. 

The complete President’s Report is available here.

Rich received his J.D. from Stanford Law School and a B.A., magna cum laude, in Physics and English from the University of Delaware. His legal practice experience includes work on government fraud litigation under the civil False Claims Act, civil rights litigation and white-collar criminal cases. His publications include, “Should We Make Crime Impossible?”, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 2013, and “Brass Rings and Red-Headed Stepchildren”, American University Law Review, 2012. More information about Elon Law Professor Michael Rich is available here.