Elon Law student earns national spotlight for leadership

Elon Law student Gerard Truesdale is featured in the American Bar Association’s Student Lawyer magazine for creating and operating a nonprofit that provides high school students with life skills and pathways to higher education. 

Gerard Truesdale, Class of Dec. 2017, Elon University School of Law
Titled “‘Renaissance man’ mentors more successful young men” the Student Lawyer article notes that 40 of the 41 teenage youth who have gone through Truesdale’s nonprofit are going to college.

“Crossroads: Pathways to Success Inc. helps high school students with life skills and etiquette training, college prepara­tory classes, and college tours,” the article states, noting that “the program aims to bring re­sources to high school men who need additional resources and support to move on to a post-high school career or secondary education.”

Established with Truesdale’s childhood friend Arturo Mckie, Crossroads started in 2009.

“[The students] can call us anytime,” Truesdale states in the article. “There have been times over the years that students have talked to me about things they wouldn’t talk to others about.”

The American Bar Association publication quotes Elon Law Professor Antonette Barilla reflecting on Truesdale’s leadership.

“Mr. Truesdale’s ambition, ingenuity, and genuine passion for serving the community are evidence that he’s one of those exceptional individuals who instinctively possesses the traits of a great leader,” Barilla states.

Read the complete Student Lawyer magazine feature on Elon Law student Gerard Truesdale here.