CATL reading group on engaging students as partners in learning and teaching – March 1

This discussion will focus on critically analyzing the “student partnership” framework and considering possible implications for this approach for Elon faculty and students.

Engaging students as partners in learning and teaching
Tuesday, March 1st, 12:30-1:45 pm
Lindner 206

Participants will read a portion of Healey, Flint, and Harrington’s Engagement Through Partnership (UK Higher Education Academy, 2014), which frames partnership as “a process of student engagement, understood as [faculty] and students learning and working together to foster engaged student learning and engaging learning and teaching enhancement. In this sense partnership is a relationship in which all participants are actively engaged in and stand to gain from the process of learning and working together” (p. 7). Readings will be sent to attendees upon registration.

To sign up, please use the registration form.