Phoenix Cup Movie Night – Feb. 18

To kick off "Phoenix Cup: Waste" this semester, the Colonnades Neighborhood Association and Office of Sustainability will be showing "Bag It" in LaRose Digital Theatre at 7:30 p.m.

“Our story follows Jeb Berrier, an average American guy who is admittedly not a “tree hugger,” who makes a pledge to stop using plastic bags. His girlfriend, Anne, joins him in the challenge to decrease their use of plastic at home. This small action gets Jeb thinking about plastic – not just about plastic bags, but other kinds of plastic. “What is plastic made of? Is it recyclable? Does it decompose when it ends up in the landfill? Does plastic have negative health effects?” Jeb wants to learn more, so he embarks on a global tour to unravel the complexities of our plastic world.”

Join us for light snacks, and trade your plastic bags for a reusable bag!