Elon Law Professor Henry Gabriel chaired the working group and was the general editor of the recently published Legal Guide on Contract Farming, a joint publication of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law.

Contract farming developed and became common in industrialized countries several decades ago, especially in the livestock production sector, and is now used for a broad array of agricultural commodities in many countries around the world. Legal Guide on Contract Farming sets out best practices for contract farming relationships. It is addressed broadly to three groups: parties involved in contract farming, governments that want a guide for future legislation and policy formation for contract farming, and non-governmental organizations that may be involved in the development and implementation of contract farming.

In addition, Gabriel recently gave a talk titled “Teaching International Secured Transactions” at the University of Western Australia in Perth, Australia.
Professor Gabriel served on the United States Delegation to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law in Vienna, Austria. He has served on the United States Delegation since 2002.
Professor Gabriel was recently re-appointed to the United States Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on Private International Law. He has served since 2007.
Professor Gabriel has been appointed to the Uniform Law Commission Drafting Committee on the Model Tribal Secured Transactions Act. The drafting committee is working on a model secured transaction law for the Indian Tribes and Nations.