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Transparency in Western North Carolina

March 15, 2016

Freelance writer and N.C. Open Government Coalition member Tom Bennett conducted a review of how easy it is to access basic information about county commissioners in 28 western counties. He found that some counties, such as Catawba, make it easy for citizens to keep tabs on their government, and others have a long way to go. 

2016 Sunshine Award Winners

March 15, 2016

The winners of the Second Annual N.C. Open Government Coalition Sunshine Award Contest were announced Monday in Hickory. They are Henderson County Attorney Charles Russell Burrell, reporter Tyler Dukes and Carolina Public Press Open Government Contributor Jon Elliston. 

Elon Law Review publishes new volume

March 15, 2016

The Elon Law Review's latest volume includes articles examining the dissent in the Supreme Court's historic Obergefell v. Hodges decision,  the reasoning of a U.S. Court of Appeals in a book banning case and the lack of clarity in parts of the Americans with Disabilities Act.