Jeffrey Carpenter co-authors journal article

The assistant professor of education and director of the Teaching Fellows program co-authored the article in the journal Teaching and Teacher Education.

Jeffrey Carpenter, assistant professor of education and director of the Teaching Fellows, published an article in the peer-reviewed journalalong with co-author Jayme N. Linton of Lenoir Rhyne University.

The article, “Edcamp unconferences: Educators’ perspectives on an untraditional professional learning experience”, appears in Volume 57 of the journal.

The abstract reads as follows:

Edcamps are a free, voluntary, and participant-driven form of unconference professional development. This article reports on survey data gathered from 769 Edcamp participants. Beforehand, these educators indicated diverse motivations for their attendance, including anticipation of what, how, and with whom they would learn. Afterwards, respondents overwhelmingly gave high ratings to their Edcamp experiences, and expressed interest in participating in future Edcamps. Qualitative comments suggested that the combination of how learning occurred and with whom appeared to be the salient strength of participants’ experiences. However, most participants also identified areas for improvement in the Edcamps they attended.

The full article can be found here.