JPMorgan Resume Reviews and Informational Interviews – Sept. 14

Interviews held throughout the day in the Student Professional Development Center (SPDC) Moseley 140

JPMorgan invites students to meet one-on-one with representatives to learn more about the Operations Analyst Development Program. This program is offered to college juniors as a summer internship and to graduating seniors as a full-time, two-year rotational program. Students are invited to bring their resume to be reviewed and to be prepared to answer and ask questions.

All majors are welcome, but note the program requires excellent communication, problem-solving, analytical-thinking and client-relationship skills.

To sign-up for a resume review and informational interview, please go to the Elon Job Network. The deadline to apply is Friday, September 9. To search for more on-campus interview opportunities, login to EJN and select the “interviews” tab, located on the yellow navigation bar.

Questions? Contact Kristin Walker, Event and Recruiting Coordinator at