Robert Valgenti, "The Philosophy of Food"- Nov. 1

Philosopher Robert Valgenti discusses the possibilty that cooking is a philosophical endeavor as well as being practical, technical and artistic.

Cooking is a practical, technical, and even an artistic endeavor. But could it be a philosophical one? Is philosophy baked into the very art of cookery? Philosopher Robert Valgenti will explore this possibility in thought, the senses, and a convivial gathering aimed at expanding our understanding of culinary practices. Valgenti is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Lebanon Valley College. His research interests include contemporary Italian philosophy, hermeneutics, biopolitics and the philosophy of food. He is also a translator of Italian philosophy, most notably Luigi Parson’s Truth and Interpretation (2013) and Gianni Vattimo’s Of Reality (2016). Sponsored by the Reynolds Lectures Series in Philosophy and the Elon Philosophy Department