" /> Only two days left for language assessments for new students ONLY  | Today at Elon | Elon University

Only two days left for language assessments for new students ONLY 

Language assessment exams in French, German, Italian, Latin and Spanish will be offered for NEW STUDENTS ONLY on Sept. 29 and 30 according to the following schedule. In order to guarantee that you have a seat, sign up for an appointment at the following link at least 24 hours before the testing time.  If you just show up, we cannot guarantee you a spot.  These are the final testing times for new students before the Oct. 1 deadline. Sign up at  

Attention new students – first-years and transfers! As explained in the university catalog, by Oct. 1 of their first year, new students must complete their language assessment IN THE LANGUAGE(S) THEY STUDIED PREVIOUSLY.  You must take the assessment in the language(s) you studied in high school  even if you plan to study a DIFFERENT language at Elon. If you have not taken a language assessment yet, please comply with this requirement. If you received a message on July 14 or subsequently asking you to re-test in a proctored setting, your first score was not recorded on your academic record and you must take the assessment again. 

The final assessment dates before the Oct. 1 deadline are listed below. Sign up at least 24 hours before the testing time at

Sept. 29 (12-2 p.m.)
Sept. 30 (1-4 p.m.).  FINAL DAY BEFORE THE OCT. 1 deadline!

You should allow approximately 30-45 minutes to complete the exam and associated paperwork. You must bring your Phoenix Card or another photo id in order to take the test.

If you have any questions, send an email to and use “placement test – new student” in the subject line.