The Sept. 23 recital featured Celona-VanGorden, a soprano and adjunct assistant professor of music, accompanied by pianist Christy Wisuthseriwong.
The recent performance of “In Her Words: Women’s Poetry and Letters Set to Music,” by soprano Julie Celona-VanGorden in Whitley Auditorium at Elon has received a glowing review from Classical Voice of North Carolina, a statewide online arts journal.
The Sept. 23 recital featured Celona-VanGorden, an adjunct assistant professor of music at Elon, accompanied by pianist Christy Wisuthseriwong in a series of songs featuring works by Paul Bowles, Edward Knight, Libby Larsen and others.
Reviewer William Thomas Walker called the recital “superb,” and wrote that “Celona-VanGorden has added dramatic weight to her quiver of superb support across a wide range from an unusually solid lower to a seamless, precise high.”
Read the complete review by Walker for CVNC here.