Hope, Peace, Reconciliation and Love: The Messages of Marc Chagall in his Artwork and Literature

A highly acclaimed speaker on Marc Chagall, Vivian R. Jacobson will visit Elon to lecture on Chagall's love of creating both art and literature.

Few people realize that artist Marc Chagall had a pronounced literary ability equal to that of his art.

​Join us on Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 4:30 p.m. in the McBride Gathering Space in the Numen Lumen Pavilion as Vivian R. Jacobson presents an overview of the artist’s love of reading and writing both poetry and prose. Jacobson’s presentation will also be accompanied by a presentation displaying the artworks that inspired his writings. 

Following the lecture, there will be a reception and book signing. This event is free and open to the public. 

For more information about Jacobson and her studies, you may visit: www.vivianjacobson.com. 

This event is presented by Elon’s Center for the Study of Religion, Culture and Society and the Art and Art History Department.