Council for Exceptional Children honors Wery for her service

Jessica Wery, assistant professor of education, has served in leadership roles with the international nonprofit during the past four years. 

Jessica Wery, assistant professor of education, was recently honored at the 30th Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) conference for completing four years of leadership, having served as 2016 immediate past president, 2015 president, 2014 president-elect and conference chair, and 2013 vice president.

Jessica Wery, assistant professor of education
In addition, she served as representative assembly spokesperson for North Carolina at the CEC Conventions in 2015 and 2016. In her acknowledgement, Glennda McKeithan, president of North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children wrote, “Dr. Wery’s efforts made a significant contribution to our organization that has helped us to better serve educators and students with exceptionalities in our state, and we are truly thankful for her service.”

The Council for Exceptional Children is the largest international nonprofit professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities and students who are gifted. CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides continual professional development and advocates for newly and historically under served individuals with exceptionalities. CEC also helps professionals obtain the conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice.

The North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children provides state and local support in the way of an annual conference, regional training and an electronic newsletter. We offer awards to recognize outstanding K-12 students with disabilities, leaders in the field of special education and K-12 teachers. Scholarships are available for preservice teachers, and mini-grants are available for current NC-CEC members.