Communications employers to share job, internship and fellowship opportunities at Feb. 16 showcase

The School of Communications will host the Internship/Career Showcase & ePortfolio Review on Thursday, Feb. 16, in Snow Family Grand Atrium, Schar Hall.

APCO Worldwide, McKinney Advertising, Trailblazers Studios, The Herald-Sun, Myriad Media, Capstrat, WGHP-TV, WCHL-FM, Redeye Worldwide, Wildfire and Erwin Penland are just a few of the 35 companies that will be participating in the Communications Internship / Career Showcase on Thursday, Feb. 16 in the Snow Family Grand Atrium at Schar Hall.

This is an opportunity for students to learn about internship and job opportunities, practice their networking and interviewing skills, get career advice and resume critiques, and win great prizes.  

The Communications organization with the most attendees (based on percentage of members) will earn $100. In addition, attendees will be eligible to win an iPad mini and a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card.

Students can register for walk-in hours at OR – click on the registration/seminars & events link. Please sign up by Feb. 14.