First-ever Danieley Center Neighborhood community dinner to be held Feb. 28

The event will center on professional and career development.

by Meg Malone ’20

Danieley Center Neighborhood residents are invited to the neighborhood’s first-ever community dinner at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 28 in Daniel Commons.

The dinner will feature a career-related presentation and activity led by Sara Shechter, assistant director of Career Services for the College of Arts & Sciences, and other staff from Elon’s Student Professional Development Center. They will also sit and chat with students throughout the evening.

Colin Donohue, the faculty director of the neighborhood, said the goal of the dinner is to build better relationships in the neighborhood.

“One of the things we’re attempting to do in the Danieley Neighborhood is engender a stronger sense of community,” Donohue said.

The Danieley Neighborhood has not held regular neighborhood dinners before, but Donohue said he would like this to be the start of a monthly tradition. He said the neighborhood plans to host another dinner at the start of April and more next year.