The INTERNow Communications Internship/Career Showcase attracted more than 30 employers to meet with School of Communications students seeking internships, employment and career advice.
More than 30 employers representing a variety of communications-related industries attended a Feb. 16 internship event hosted by the School of Communications Internship Office and the Student Professional Development Center.

As part of the event in Snow Family Grand Atrium, employers were available to students during three separate walk-in sessions. In addition to offering internships, fellowships and some job opportunities, employers provided advice and feedback for students preparing for their careers.
“This was a great opportunity for our students to meet employers, practice their networking and interviewing skills, and gain some valuable career advice,” said Nagatha Tonkins, director of internships for the School of Communications. “We consider this a win-win for both our soon-to-be graduates and prospective employers.”
Terrence McLaughlin ’17, a strategic communications major, seconded Tonkins’ sentiments, noting how much he appreciated the advice he received from the professionals in attendance.
“Friends, family and professors that I interact with on a semi-daily basis are excellent resources, but I jumped at the opportunity to hear from someone whom I’d never met,” he said. “When looking through my eportfolio, the woman I was meeting with caught mistakes that I had to revise, emphasized the importance of quality over quantity, and provided me with key insights about my work that I hadn’t yet thought of.”
The showcase provided McLaughlin with a valuable perspective – the perspective of a potential employer.
“I learned how to look at my portfolio through the eye of an employer,” he said. “The goal with my portfolio is to showcase my work and personality. Now, I’m able to do so in a way that’s easier for employers to see. I’ve limited the amount of work from 30 pieces to 15, I’ve shortened my copy, and I’ve organized my site for the optimal user experience.”
Amber McCraw, assistant director of career services, and Ashley Pinney, associate director of corporate and employer relations, assisted Tonkins with the coordination and execution of the communications expo.