SupportWorld article by Ryan Gay highlights change management at Elon

Ryan Gay, manager of service management/project lead for Instructional & Campus Technologies, recently published an article on Help Desk International’s SupportWorld website detailing the department's change management evolution.   

Ryan Gay recently published an article on Help Desk International’s SupportWorld website.

SupportWorld provides innovative content from experts around the globe focusing on the technical support field. The article, titled “An Evolution in Change Management,” covers Instructional & Campus Technologies’ implementation, evolution and innovation of change management at Elon University.

Change management is a process designed to ensure that standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of changes in IT to minimize the impact of change-related incidents upon service quality, and consequently, improve the daily operations of the organization.

Instructional & Campus Technologies has benefitted from this process by experiencing an increase in communication and transparency, allowing the division to thoughtfully and carefully handle IT-related changes while remaining nimble and progressive in our work.

The article is published ahead of Gay’s speaking engagement at the national HDI Conference in Washington, D.C. in May.