Learn about students bringing technology to the classroom

Wednesday, April 19, from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. in Belk Library 113

In surveys of Elon students during 2015 and 2016, Institutional Research discovered that more than 99 percent of our students own laptops and use them for many things including taking notes, email, and social media (Source: 2016 Elon CIRP, supplemental questions). Hear first-hand experiences of using student-owned devices in class from Duke Hutchings, associate professor of computing sciences, and Danny Lanier Jr., assistant professor of accounting, during this session.

Hutchings will share his transition from a class that previously took place in a computer lab to a class where students brought their own technology. He will outline contingencies faculty should plan for in this environment and address how faculty can integrate Moodle.

Lanier will discuss how he has transitioned to a “paperless course” using Moodle. He will discuss using Moodle to administer exams and provide tips on becoming more efficient and sustainable (i.e. saving time on grading and quicker feedback to students).

Patrick Rudd, coordinator of library instruction and outreach services and assistant librarian, will also be present to discuss the transition Belk Library 113 has undergone during the past year, and future plans for additional modifications to the classroom. You will leave this session with ideas and suggestions you can use with students bringing their own technology into your courses. Register and reserve your lunch before April 14.