Asian art exhibit opening: Chinese artifacts purchased by students during study abroad

As a part of Asian Pacific American Heritage month, a new art exhibit is debuting April 27 in Belk Pavilion featuring art selected by students during a winter term course in China.

​Thursday, April 27, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., come to Belk Pavilion’s lobby to see the opening of the new art exhibit. With support from a CATL Teaching and Learning mini-grant, students in the winter term study abroad class of Associate Professor of Geography Honglin Xiao and Assistant Professor of History Xiaolin Duan purchased artifacts in China this past winter term, both to deepen their knowledge of Chinese history and geography, as told through material objects, and to enhance the learning of future students. Students in HST 320: Fashion, Food and Fun: Material Culture in the History of China and Japan  will study these new artifacts, together with Elon’s existing Asian art collection.

The exhibit designed and installed by Elon students Alyssa Caffrey, Lauren Fisher and Lindsay Malari is centered around rotating themes like religion, propoganda and everyday cultural items.  The display case in Belk Pavilion’s lobby will showcase a selection of rotating material objects. The art exhibit debut reception will include an introduction by the student curators who designed the exhibit and some of Duan’s students sharing about the pieces they purchased or researched.

The reception will have light refreshments and is open to public.