SPDC Extravaganza excites students across campus

After weeks of anticipation, the Student Professional Development Center staff opened their arms to Elon students on Tuesday, May 2, to explain the vast opportunities their office has to offer individuals of all ages and career goals. Passersby left the extravaganza with both newfound knowledge and free Smitty’s ice cream.

After weeks of anticipation, the staff of the Student Professional Development Center, or “SPDC,” opened their arms to Elon students on Tuesday, May 2, to explain the vast opportunities their office has to offer individuals of all ages and career goals. Passersby left the extravaganza with both newfound knowledge and free Smitty’s ice cream.

Though expected to last from 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., the event was cut short due to an ice cream shortage after over 1,000 individuals stopped by.

The students’ ticket to ice cream was a quick “follow” or “like” on one of the SPDC social media platforms to ensure individuals would be further informed on upcoming career opportunities or events at the SPDC. The SPDC staff were thrilled to see many who came by the event were already following “Elon Careers” on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Snapchat.

While students waited in line, SPDC student workers collected data on the current effectiveness of the SPDC’s communication with students and how it can be improved in the future.

Students who were surveyed had several common responses. While many reported they commonly hear about job opportunities from an array of resources, they would prefer a universal email notification when there are relevant career opportunities available in the future.

The Elon Job Network (EJN) currently offers over 500 jobs for Elon students and new job and internship opportunities are posted daily. These jobs span all 50 states as well as international opportunities.

The SPDC reviewed the survey feedback thoroughly and hopes to continue to expand and modify their network in the future.

“We are excited that through this event, we could learn from students and let them know we are here to help them achieve their career goals,” said Kristin Walker, Recruiting and Event Coordinator for the SPDC and main organizer of this event. “The SPDC would also like to thank Enterprise whose contribution made this event possible.”

The SPDC staff were overall exhilarated by the number of attendees and intend on making the “SPDC Extravaganza” an annual event. If you weren’t able to make it this year, you definitely won’t want to miss it next year.