Statement from President Leo M. Lambert on violence in Charlottesville

Elon University's president has issued a statement following the weekend events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Statement from President Leo M. Lambert on events in Charlottesville, Virginia 

“The violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, has deeply shocked and saddened the Elon University community. First and foremost, we must say in clear language: there is no place on our college campuses, in our communities or in American society for white supremacy, racism, neo-Nazism, fascism or the wretched legacy of the Ku Klux Klan. In the face of such evil, our community chooses to drive out ignorance with education, hope, inclusion and respect. Every generation must stand up for the aspirations of our nation—freedom, equality, liberty and justice—and work to ensure they are protected for all. We are proud to stand in solidarity and love with the people of Charlottesville and our friends at the University of Virginia.” 

Leo M. Lambert
President, Elon University