N.C. College Voter Summit on Friday, Sept. 29 at Elon University. 

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Summit to explore how N.C. schools can support student voting, civic learning

North Carolina Campus Compact invites college student leaders and campus administrators from across the state to attend the N.C. College Voter Summit on Friday, Sept. 29 at Elon University. 

North Carolina Campus Compact invites college student leaders and campus administrators from across the state to attend the N.C. College Voter Summit on Friday, Sept. 29 at Elon University. 

“This one-day event will provide key info on NC elections and issues relevant to college student voters and share strategies for how campuses can cultivate broader civic learning,” says Chad Fogelman of North Carolina Campus Compact. “Plenary sessions, breakout workshops, and participant sharing will let us explore lessons from 2016 and apply that learning to improve future civic engagement efforts.” 

The event is FREE for N.C. college students and staff, but space is limited and you must register by Sept. 18. Register here.

Check-in begins at 9:30 a.m., and the program begins at 10:00 a.m. Morning coffee and lunch will be provided. The event will conclude by 4:30 p.m.

Featured speaker:

Nancy Thomas, director the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education at Tufts University, a leading venue for research on higher education’s role in American democracy, including college student political learning and democratic practice. The Institute’s signature initiative is the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement, which offers colleges and universities an opportunity to learn their student registration and voting rates as well as correlations between specific student learning experiences and voting. 

Prior to joining Tisch College in 2012, Thomas directed the Democracy Imperative, a national network of academics and practitioners working to advance deliberative democracy in higher education. Earlier in her career, she practiced university law. She currently serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Public Deliberation and senior associate with Everyday Democracy. Her professional interests connect political learning and democratic engagement; equity, diversity, and inclusion; academic freedom and free speech, and; legal issues in higher education. She holds a doctorate from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a JD from Case Western Reserve University.

Breakout presenters include:

Representatives from the N.C. Board of Elections and Ethic Enforcement; from Campus Vote Project; from Common Cause NC; and from the Students Learn Students Vote coalition, as well as campus practitioners leading non-partisan civic and voter engagement programs. An afternoon panel discussion will consider the broader civic and political context in NC and issues relevant to student civic engagement. Panelists include David McLennan, political science professor at Meredith College and Professor Theodore Shaw, director the UNC Center for Civil Rights.

Share your ideas:

Attendees may share useful resources or ideas with the group in two minutes or less during the Bright Ideas Showcase.

Read up:

Before the event, we encourage attendees to review Politics 365: Fostering Campus Climates for Student Political Learning and Engagement (Institute for Democracy and Higher Education, Tufts University, April 2017).

Please note: this is a nonpartisan event in accordance with Elon University’s guidelines for political activities. Elon University does not support or oppose any particular candidate for office, and no political fundraising is permitted at this event.