The Frank S. Holt, Jr. Professor of Business Leadership’s article on transformational leadership was cited as the most influential article published by the journal during the 1990s.
Robert Moorman, the Frank S. Holt, Jr. Professor of Business Leadership, received the 2000 Decennial Award from The Leadership Quarterly for his co-authored article, “Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers’ trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors.”

Moorman co-authored the paper with:
- Philip Podsakoff, currently the Brian R. Gamache Professor at the University of Florida
- Scott MacKenzie, Neal Gilliat Chair and professor of marketing at Indiana University
- Richard Fetter, former Dean of the College of Business Administration at Butler University.
The abstract reads as follows:
“This study examines the impact of transformational leader behaviors on organizational citizenship behaviors, and the potential mediating role played by subordinates’ trust and satisfaction in that process. The results indicate that the effects of the transformational leader behaviors on citizenship behaviors are indirect, rather than direct, in that they are mediated by followers’ trust in their leaders. Moreover, these results were found not to be wholly attributable to the effects of common method biases. The implications of these findings for future research on transformational leader behaviors, trust, and organizational citizenship behavior are then discussed.”
The Leadership Quarterly is a social-science journal dedicated to advancing the understanding of leadership as a phenomenon, how to study it and practical implications. The journal seeks contributions from various disciplinary perspectives, including management, economics and psychology.