Marketing students win Elon writing competition

Four Integrated Marketing Communication students won the business category of the Multimodal Writing Competition.

Nicole Bunder ‘18, Alaina Fennell ‘18, Caroline McLaughlin ‘18 and Campbell Wentworth-Ping ‘18 won Elon’s inaugural Multimodal Writing Competition (business category).

The winning team for Elon’s inaugural Multimodal Writing Competition (business category).
A multimodal project involves two or more modes, such as a research poster, slideshow or infographic. Projects were judged based on how well students integrated multiple modes to effectively reach a target audience to achieve a specific purpose.

This team used the modes of a slideshow and oral presentation.

The business team originally created the project as a part of the Integrated Marketing Communication course taught by Assistant Professor of Marketing Kacy Kim. The group was tasked to create a marketing strategy for Fossil’s smartwatch products.

“Integrated Marketing Communication focused on how to effectively market a company using various platforms,” McLaughlin said. “We studied different campaigns and measured the success they had using different avenues of marketing. We were then able to apply our knowledge to our own campaign for The Fossil Group.”

After completing the project, the team decided to submit their work for the competition, which was sponsored by Elon’s Center for Writing Excellence.  

“Overall, [completing this multimodal project] was an incredibly rewarding experience that taught me about the intricacies of the campaign process and how a marketing strategy is brought to life,” Bunder said.