Andrews co-authors two research articles

Bill Andrews, professor of physical therapy education, recently had two articles accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. 


Bill Andrews, professor of physical therapy education, recently had two articles accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. The first publication has a sample size of one (case report) while the second publication has a sample size of 145,664 (health services research).

Andrews co-authored a manuscript entitled “Physical Therapy for Nocturnal Lower Limb Cramping: A Case Report” with Richard Pine, a 2015 graduate of the Elon Doctor of Physical Therapy program. The article is now published online in Physiotherapy Theory & Practice and it will be published in print this fall.

Andrews has recently been notified that a manuscript entitled “Improvement During Inpatient Rehabilitation Among Older Adults with Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson Disease, and Stroke” has been accepted for publication in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & RehabilitationHe collaborated with a colleague from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston on this research project. A publication date is forthcoming.