The Liberal Arts Forum hosts veteran speechwriter to President Barack Obama for a presentation in Whitley Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free; no ticket required.
Monday, Feb. 25
Cody Keenan, “ Idealism and Impatience“
Whitley Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
Liberal Arts Forum Lecture
Cody Keenan will draw on his eleven years as a speechwriter for President Barack Obama to talk about what happens when youthful idealism and inspiration go up against the hard reality of a cynical and divisive politics – and why those values are, in fact, more important than ever before.
As part of his Elon visit, Mr. Keenan will meet with students in Michael Skube’s Politics and Mass Media class and students in Carrie Eaves’s POL 325 The Presidency.