The Fraternity & Sorority Community partnered with Campus Kitchen to host a food drive as part of Greek Week that collected food for local community partners, Allied Churches and Salvation Army, to serve those suffering from food insecurity in Alamance County.
The Fraternity and Sorority community partnered with Campus Kitchen of the Kernodle Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement to host a food drive on April 2 that collected 5,189.9 pounds of food in less than two hours, which easily broke last year’s record of 4,458.9 pounds.

More than twenty volunteers helped to sort, weigh, and deliver the donations to Campus Kitchen’s community partners, Allied Churches and Salvation Army, that same day. This one drive alone brought in nearly half as much as Campus Kitchen collected during the entire academic year last year, according to Sarah Williams, staff advisor to Campus Kitchen.
“We hope the fraternity and sorority students realize the impact these donations will make for our community partners who often see a dip in donations after the holidays, so this huge drive provides such a helpful boost to their inventory to continue meeting the needs of those suffering from hunger here in our county,” Williams said.
Individuals and organizations interested in hosting a food drive or becoming involved with Campus Kitchen can email
In addition, food can be donated at any time throughout the year in the bin on the second floor of Moseley outside of the Kernodle Center. Any food that is donated is certainly appreciated, but here is the current list of food that is most needed: spaghetti sauce, pasta, Chef Boyardee products, ramen noodles, potatoes and vegetables.