Elon student-athletes more than doubled their volunteer presence with nearly 40 serving in second year with Garrett Elementary’s reading initiative as part of the Read Across America program.


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Elon student-athletes expand involvement in second year of reading initiative at Garrett Elementary

Elon student-athletes more than doubled their volunteer presence with nearly 40 serving in second year with Garrett Elementary’s reading initiative as part of the Read Across America program.  














Elon student-athletes more than doubled their volunteer presence during their second year serving in Garrett Elementary’s reading initiative as part of the Read Across America program.

Nearly 40 student-athletes across 10 teams served at the Mebane elementary school this March, marking a significant increase for the partnership that started last year with 15 volunteers from seven teams.

Molly McInerney, student services and Elon Experiences coordinator for Elon Athletics, had hoped student-athletes would respond to this opportunity because they love volunteering with ABSS and working with children. "I was overjoyed to have had such a positive response and to have been able to double the amount of volunteers that were able to participate in this week long event,” McInerney said.

The student-athlete volunteers participated by reading to the students across all grade levels. Cynthia O'Neal, assistant principal for Garrett Elementary School, said the volunteers had a positive impact on the students. "I know our students had a fantastic time,” O'Neal said.

Student-athlete involvement with Garrett Elementary is part of a larger effort of partnership between Elon Athletics and the Kernodle Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement. McInerney and Sarah Williams, program coordinator for the Kernodle Center, are managing an NCAA grant that is focused in part on increasing student-athlete involvement in service, providing education around social issues and community engagement, expanding involvement in the Service ELR, and documenting the student-athletes’ service.

Student-athletes wishing to volunteer in the local community or learn more about the Service ELR can reach out to Molly McInerney at mmcinerney2@elon.edu or (336) 278-6870.