B.F.A. dance majors selected to perform in the American Dance Association Conference gala

Marissa Mahoney, a sophomore B.F.A. in dance performance & choreography major, presented her original choreography at a national conference where it was adjudicated and selected for the gala concert.

From left to right: Olivia Haskell, Marissa Mahoney, Olivia Walton
On March 28-31, a group of eight B.F.A. in dance performance & choreography majors and four Dance Program faculty members attended the American College Dance Association Conference at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. The faculty members presented research, taught classes and attended many conference activities. The students attended lectures, took classes and performed at the ACDA Adjudicated Concert.​

Marissa Mahoney (B.F.A. ’21) presented her choreographic work 'Covenant,' which she created last fall semester during her Choreography I course taught by Professor Justin Tornow. “My inspiration for 'Covenant' was the push and pull tension of a close relationship I have in my life," she said. "I was inspired by clear memories of trust and reliance versus deceit and dishonesty I’ve built with this person throughout our many years.”

The dancers who performed Mahoney’s work were also in the same course. Olivia Haskell (B.F.A. ’21) and Olivia Walton (B.F.A. ’21) were involved in the creative process and performed at the ACDA Conference. Haskell mentioned that it was a “very collaborative process that relied on the commitment of both the choreographer and the dancers.”

The ACDA Adjudicated Concert included 39 pieces choreographed by undergraduate students, graduate candidates, faculty members and professionals in the dance field. Each piece was adjudicated by a panel of experts including Dr. Debra Knapp, Ori Flomin and Christina Johnson. Mahoney found it important to receive feedback from the panel.

“Attending a national conference was eye-opening in the best way possible," Mahoney said. "I loved getting to see how many young artists there are pursuing dance out of passion. It felt like a great exchange of expertise and knowledge. It was a thoughtful and beautiful way to keep performers connected and engaged in meaningful conversation through both words and movement.”

The performers also appreciated the feedback as they both believe that there is always room to learn and grow as artists.

The adjudicators selected nine pieces to be presented at the gala concert and Mahoney’s "Covenant" was chosen. Other universities represented in the gala were Emory University, Alabama State University, University of Texas at Austin, Florida State University, Florida Southern College, Kennesaw State University and Nova Southeastern University.

Jen Guy Metcalf, associate professor of dance and coordinator of the Dance Program, accompanied the students at the gala. When she interacted with gala attendees, many noted the sophistication, complexity and high quality of Mahoney’s piece and that of the performance by Walton and Haskell.

Mahoney explained that she was grateful to have her work selected and she mentioned it was validating as an emerging choreographer. It also supports her future goals to become a dance professor one day. ACDA showed her the impact that role can have on dance students.

“ACDA is a respectable platform that fosters a creative environment resembling the same esteemed qualities of Elon’s Performing Arts," she said. "In my career I hope to offer the same impactful experience to growing performers. I am so thankful for the training I have received at Elon and the knowledge I gained through ACDA.”