Professor Ryan Johnson will share an experimental pedagogy he used in his senior seminar class, where students went through the process of writing a professional philosophy article alongside him as he went through the proces of writing a professional philosophy book.
CWE Workshop “A Parallel Writing Apprenticeship: Faculty and Students Writing Together in a Senior Seminiar”

Assistant Professor Ryan Johnson will share an experimental pedagogy he used in his senior seminar class, where students went through the process of writing a professional philosophy article alongside him as he went through the process of writing a professional philosophy book. This workshop will share the formulation and experience of using parallel writing apprenticeship model in the hopes of improving or developing it further.
This event is open to all Elon University faculty and staff and will be held Monday, Sept. 16, from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. in Belk Library 102. Lunch will be served, so please register.