Boatwright, a professor of classical studies at Duke University, will examine a series of dramatic rebellions against the Roman Empire to explore ancient imperialism and identity.
Monday, Sept. 16
Mary T. Boatwright, “The Jewish Revolts against Rome: Exceptional, or To Be Expected?”
Yeager Recital Hall, 5:30 p.m.

In this interdisciplinary public lecture, Professor Mary T. Boatwright will examine the major revolts against Roman imperial rule that took place in the province of Judea during the first and second centuries CE. These events reveal much about Roman foreign policy, Jewish identity, and the tensions on the frontiers of a multicultural empire.
The lecture features analysis of primary sources for the revolts, especially the histories of Josephus, a Jewish nobleman who took part in a rebellion before switching to the Roman side. Josephus’ account and other fascinating information both illuminates the hard-fought, potentially successful insurrections of the years 66-70/73 and 132-135 CE, and leads to exploration of Roman imperialism and its impacts.
Boatwright is a professor in the Department of Classical Studies at Duke University, and is currently president of the Society for Classical Studies, the field’s leading professional organization in North America. Her research concentrates on Roman history and Latin historiography, with a current focus on Roman imperial women and groups on the edges of Rome’s dominion. Her books include “Peoples of the Roman World” (2012) and “Hadrian and the Cities of the Roman Empire” (2000).
Sponsored by the Classical Studies Program, the Department of Political Science & Policy Studies, and the Department of Religious Studies, with support from World Languages & Cultures, History & Geography, Peace & Conflict Studies, Jewish Studies, and the CSRCS.