Squire, a professor of computer science, talked with the London-based media outlet about how extremists are migrating to new online platforms.
A recent article in the Financial Times focused on the increased use of the messaging app Telegram by far-right extremists features insights from Professor of Computer Science Megan Squire.

The article by the London-based media outlet notes that Squire has found through her research that thousands of publicly accessible far-right channels are using the messaging service.
From the article:
“Compared with mainstream platforms, Telegram had limitations for network-building, said Ms Squire. Most far-right channels have just a few hundred to a few thousand followers, limiting their ability to solicit donations. Unlike platforms such as Twitter, Telegram is also relatively isolated from wider political discourse.”
Squire has conducted extensive research into connections between far-right extremists online and how various groups are shifting to new online platforms as efforts to crack down on their activities ramp up.
Read the entire Financial Times article here.