Marna Winter, senior lecturer and chair of the Department of Education and Wellness, Lecturer in Education Erin Hone, and Allison Bryan, director of the Curriculum Resources Center, each presented at the Hawaii International Conference for Education held Jan. 4-7, 2020.
Three faculty from the School of Education attended and presented at the 18th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education held Jan. 4-7, 2020, in Honolulu.
The goal of the conference is to provide an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various education-related fields from all over the world to come together and learn from each other. An additional goal is to provide a place for academicians and professionals with cross-disciplinary interests related to education to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines.

Erin Hone, lecturer in education, and Marna Winter, senior lecturer in education and chair of the Department of Education and Wellness, presented a poster entitled, “Diversity Infusion in the Elementary Education Methods Courses.”
This poster presentation shares a project implemented across two elementary education methods courses at Elon. This project provided candidates with specifically designed and scaffolded experiences to work toward cultural competence across disciplines. The goal was for candidates to examine the cultural backpack their students they bring into their classrooms and plan learning experiences appealing to the assets of students. Candidates recognized the need to approach each day with students through an equity stance.

Allison Bryan, director of the Curriculum Resources Center, presented a poster entitled, “I Did a Diversity Audit and Why You Should, Too.” A diverse print collection allows patrons to encounter books as windows, mirrors and sliding glass doors, as Rudine Sims Bishop (Bishop, 1990) described. Bryan embarked on a diversity audit of the picture book collection to accurately gauge the collection’s representation and was shocked at what she learned. Her poster explains why she began the project, the process she used, what she discovered and how she is using that information to improve Elon’s library collection.