Amanda Sturgill to discuss the AltGov phenomenon on Twitter at TEDxGreensboro

The associate professor of journalism is one of 14 “extraordinary thinkers and doers” invited to share ideas and research during the March 26 event at the Greensboro Cultural Center.

Amanda Sturgill, associate professor of journalism, has been invited to participate in TEDxGreensboro, a regional TEDx event held on Thursday, March 26, at the Greensboro Cultural Center. During the all-day forum, Sturgill will be one of 14 “extraordinary thinkers and doers” from the Greensboro region to discuss ideas and topics relating to the event’s theme of “Risk.”

Amanda Sturgill

Sturgill’s discussion topic focuses on the AltGov movement on Twitter, and how government employees and others share information about science and policy that they think official government channels are hiding. It is a subject Sturgill has studied for nearly two years and she is currently working on a book about the phenomenon.

“It fits with the theme of risk because the people who run those accounts take risks, possibly losing their jobs or facing vigilante justice for speaking out,” Sturgill said. “In fact, the government sued Twitter for the identity of the @ALT_USCIS (immigration) account at one point.”

This year’s speakers were selected from almost 200 submitted proposals, and they will cover a broad range of topics, including science, art, medicine and social constructs, with the intention of piquing one’s curiosity, challenging perceptions, and sharing invigorating ideas. More information about the presenters and their topics is available on the TEDxGreensboro website.

Sturgill explained that she looks forward to sharing the AltGov’s plight and her ongoing research with an attentive audience.

“I think the AltGov story has lessons for every citizen – the fact that speaking out carries risk, but also carries great possibility for good,” she said. “I will be sharing some specific examples of things the AltGov have done that have shaped policy, served communities and even saved more than 5,000 lives. It’s a great story, and I’m excited to share it.”

The 2020 TEDxGreensboro event will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Van Dyke Performance Space in the Greensboro Cultural Arts building, located at 200 N. Davie St.

Registration for the event, which includes the speaker presentations, lunch, selected TED videos and entertainment presentations, is available for an early bird discount of $75 for a limited time. The regular ticket price is $80. Group ticket discounts and student discounts are also available.

About TED and TEDxGreensboro

The worldwide organization known as TED – which stands for technology, entertainment and design – is a nonprofit, nonpartisan foundation. The organization’s only agenda is to make ideas worth spreading accessible. TEDxGreensboro is licensed by TED to offer a TED-like event in Greensboro. For more information, follow TEDxGreensboro on Twitter and Facebook.