A segment for the NPR affiliate WUNC featured the work of Associate Professor of Art Anne Simpkins as she moved to online learning.

A recent segment by NPR affiliate WUNC featured the innovative approach to teaching art that Anne Simpkins is taking as Elon has shifted to online learning. The segment highlights one of the many ways that Elon faculty and students are showing resilience as they adjust to restrictions brought about by the global pandemic.
Simpkins, an associate professor of art, worked with Teaching and Learning Technologies to film lessons for her students and also adapted projects for her courses to account for the fact her students may not have all the materials they need at their homes.
“It’s not ideal, but if it’s an opportunity for someone to find creative ways to work in their home space, then maybe that’s not such a bad thing,” Simpkins told WUNC reporter Liz Schlemmer.
Read and listen to the entire story here.