Students First: New initiative supports students during pandemic

Through the Students First Fund, the Elon community has a new way to support students who have been affected by the economic impact of COVID-19.

As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, the economic impact of the pandemic is also taking hold for Elon students and their families. In response, Elon has created a new fund called Students First that will provide much-needed philanthropic support to students whose futures at Elon are now at risk.

“We pull together when times are tough and right now, times are tough,” said President Connie Ledoux Book in her announcement of Students First. Gifts to the fund will provide financial aid for the 2020-21 academic year to students whose families have suffered financial losses due to the pandemic, while the name of the fund reflects Elon’s longstanding commitment to keeping students at the center of everything the university does.

“It’s important that we put students first, knowing we will rise again sooner and stronger together.”
-President Connie Book

President Book shared that the university is taking steps to meet a growing demand for financial assistance and expressed gratitude for a “community that believes in the students of today and wants to do whatever they can to support their Elon education.” Donors have already come forward to keep the needs of students first at Elon, having raised over $250,000 for the fund so far.

In these unprecedented times, if you are in a position to support this effort at any level, please visit our giving page. If you would like to learn more about this effort, please visit A gift of any size will make a significant impact on students in need, and all gifts made to the Students First Fund will be counted as part of the Elon LEADS Campaign.