Elon Dining Executive Chef Jay Vetter was featured on a recent Food Management podcast focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on college dining.
As higher education institutions nationwide continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, Elon Dining and Harvest Table Culinary Group Executive Chef Jay Vetter has offered his thoughts on how the future of college dining could be impacted.
Vetter was recently featured on the Food Management “One on One With” podcast with Tara Fitzpatrick. The 22-minute segment focused on Elon Dining’s response to the pandemic and its transition to campus’ online learning model. Vetter discussed the ways Elon Dining has continued to cater to students who did return to campus by offering contactless, takeout dining options without compromising food quality.

“We feel that in true Harvest Table and Elon fashion, we’re serving a pretty high-level meal to the students and being able to take care of their needs,” Vetter said.
Vetter also discussed Elon Dining’s ability to stay connected with members of the broader Elon community through social media and the department’s weekly Phoenix Flavors virtual cooking tutorials. These and other ideas, Vetter said, have been the keys to offering excellent service even during this global pandemic.
“We’ve been positive and I feel like we’ve been ahead of the curve as opposed to trying to react to a crisis,” Vetter said.
Listen to the entire Food Management podcast segment here.