WEEE hosts virtual meeting with President Connie Book

The Elon University president discussed career development skills in the wake of a national pandemic and shared personal insights from her own career with members of the Women of the Elon Entertainment Empire.

In an effort to remain connected with Elon University students and alumni during the novel coronavirus pandemic, Elon President Connie Book met virtually with the Women of the Elon Entertainment Empire – more widely known by the acronym WEEE – to discuss ways the university is advancing forward at this unfamiliar time and how individuals can navigate this crisis both professionally and personally.

Elon President Connie Book met virtually with members of the Women of the Elon Entertainment Empire, sharing insights into the university and her own professional journey.

The WEEE initiative, which began during the 2018-19 academic year, serves as a networking group for Elon alumnae working in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles and Elon undergraduate students interested in entertainment careers.

During the virtual event held in late April, Elon’s first female president offered valuable insight for the meeting’s attendees. Book stressed both the importance and power of creating meaningful relationships throughout one’s career – an approach she has consistently taken throughout her own professional journey.

“It’s not just about getting the job, it’s about getting the experience,” Book told the online audience.

According to WEEE board members, Book has always been a key source of support since the initiative’s inception, a fact members greatly appreciate.

Elon alumni, faculty and staff engage with one another during an online chat with President Book.

“Given the uncertainty of current circumstances, we felt that Dr. Book was someone who would provide comfort and wisdom to our Elon alums,” said Joyce Choi ’19, a WEEE board member and meeting participant. “It also reminds us that our Elon community is always there, no matter when you graduated.”

In the future, WEEE members hope to collaborate with Book again and continue to discuss ways to provide mentorship, education and professional support for Elon alumni and undergraduates. ​Ultimately, WEEE aims to create opportunities and programming where female students and alumni can gather and find support, creating connections across the university’s different schools, departments and majors.

WEEE’s current officers include Elizabeth Baldridge ’13, Madeline Carlin ’14, Nneka Enurah ’11, Katrina Taylor ’04, Rachel Zain ’16 and Choi. For more information about the initiative, visit WEEE’s website.