Staff Advisory Council, Human Resources offer opportunity to recognize staff members

Members of the university committee are invited to use a new form to give words of praise, enter a shout-out, or send your thanks and appreciation to a specific staff member at Elon University.  

Given the historic and unprecedented spring we experienced with COVID-19, Elon’s Staff Advisory Council (SAC) in partnership with Human Resources, would like to take a moment to recognize our incredible staff members. No matter what their individual situation has been, people have stepped up in major ways such as, working tireless hours on campus, working in a brand-new set of expectations via remote work, and using pandemic leave to take care of themselves and their family, etc.

Because we were not able to celebrate in our normal setting of Staff Appreciation Day, we would be remiss in not acknowledging the hours and efforts everyone has continued to put forth to make Elon University the place that we all love. Staff will be receiving additional information about the future plans to recognize staff over the summer.

Given that, we would like to specifically recognize the demanding work and effort of all our fellow staff members and are requesting your help.

Please use the Staff Member Recognition link to give words of praise, enter a shout-out, or send your thanks and appreciation to a specific staff member at Elon University.

Staff Advisory Council members will forward your entries to that individual via email in the coming weeks. You may submit an entry anonymously or include your name. Please use the link as many times as you would like, to recognize people’s efforts across campus!

Staff Member Recognition Form

Thank you for your help!
Doug Purnell, Staff Advisory Council Chair
Kelli Shuman, Assoc. VP for HR/Chief Human Resources Officer