Digital marketing students earn industry certifications

In addition to learning skills relevant to digital marketing functions, students who took MKT 425 Digital Marketing earned industry certificates from HubSpot and Google.

More than 100 students obtained marketing industry certificates during the 2019-2020 academic year as part of the Digital Marketing course in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business.

Google Analytics badge
The Google Analytics Individual Qualification is one of three certificate programs Digital Marketing students complete.

The course, taught by Assistant Professor of Marketing Hannah Oh, provides students with insight into how organizations are adopting digital media and technology as marketing tools.

To better prepare students for the job market, Oh tasked them with acquiring three different certificates from HubSpot and Google. All students acquired HubSpot Inbound Certification, which signifies completion of the HubSpot Inbound Certification course on how to run a successful inbound business, from marketing to sales to services. The HubSpot platform is used in more than 100 countries, and over 187,000 inbound professionals have been trained through the HubSpot Academy.

Students also earned their Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ), which demonstrates a level of knowledge of digital analytics best practices and the Google Analytics platform. They learned about Google Analytics concepts, including planning and principles; implementation and data collection; configuration and administration; conversion and attribution; and reports, metrics, and dimensions.

For the third certificate, students chose from the following, based on their interest: HubSpot Email Marketing, HubSpot Social Media Strategy, Google Search Ads, Google Ads Display, Google Ads Video, Google Shopping Ads, or Google Ads Measurement.

“I’ve incorporated these industry certificates, which are well-recognized and sought-after in the digital marketing field, into my class as I want my students to gain a tangible badge they can put on their resume or LinkedIn profile in addition to the intangible knowledge and theories they learn in the course,” Oh said.

The certificates can help communicate the knowledge and skills learned to potential employers, Oh added.

“Obtaining these certificates is so valuable because it gives experience in three important digital marketing aspects and illustrates to future employers that you are proficient in these skills,” Nick Broadbent ’21 said after completing the course.

“Digital Marketing is probably the most applicable course I have taken in the business school,” Alexandra Pirsos ’21 shared. “Being able to list certifications such as HubSpot or Google Analytics is extremely valuable to one’s resume and helps differentiate candidates. Moreover, it allows you to integrate digital strategies into interviews to show that you can actually apply these concepts when faced with business challenges.”